If you see 403 errors in your web browser console, make sure you configured the correct credentials.
Google Cloud Storage credentials
See Setting up authentication and IAM permissions for Cloud Storage in the Google Cloud Storage documentation.
Your account must have the Service Account Token Creator role, Storage Object Viewer role, and storage.buckets.get access permission.
Also, if you’re using a service account to authorize access to the Google Cloud Platform, make sure to activate it. See gcloud auth activate-service-account in the Google Cloud SDK: Command Line Interface documentation.
Amazon S3 credentials
For Amazon S3, see Configuration and credential file settings in the Amazon AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. Also check that your credentials work from the aws client.
Ensure that you specified the correct region when creating a bucket. If needed, change the region in your source or target storage settings or the
file, otherwise you might have problems accessing your bucket objects.
For example, update the following:~/.aws/config
[default] region=us-east-2 # change to the region of your bucket
- Ensure that the credentials you used to set up the source or target storage connection are still valid. If you see 403 errors in the browser console, and you set up the correct permissions for the bucket, you might need to update the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Session ID. See the AWS Identity and Access Management documentation on Requesting temporary security credentials.